What are delta connections,current voltage anf power in delta connections,summery of delta connection,uses/advantages of delta connection
Delta Connection A delta connection is a connection used in a three phase electrical system in which three elements in series form a triangle ,the supply being input and output at the three junctions. It is also known as 3 phase 3 wire system.It is preferably used in AC transmission.It is denoted by Δ . The other name of delta connection is Mesh connection . In case of Delta connection all the three coils are connected in series to form a close circuit.From each junction we take out one wire and out-going current from each junction assumed to be positive.In case of delta connection it look like a short circuit but in case of balance load the sum of all voltage should be zero. In the following fig. all values Current,Voltages and power for 3 phase delta connection can be shown. fig ...